Monday, 27 May 2013

78 - Episode One

This week, we discuss Hall & Oates, tight socks, Pauline Hanson, a thorough Freudian analysis of breasts, a visit to SSJ Industries HQ, our first appearance on actual radio, Carly Rae Jepsen, Tom's future at university, and vaccuum cleaners.
In SSST: we talk long and hard about Microsoft's just-announced console, the Xbox One! That's it!
In Ask SSJ: darn punk kids these days, The Book Was Better, trashmonster Catwoman, "skin colour" crayons, ducks, a peculiar Would You Rather involving (what else but) penises, Tom's sister, Amanda Bynes, atheists in Heaven, and Dragon Ball Z.

SSJ Theme 2Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
A Shine To ItBomb The Music Industry!
Dishsoap Boubles: Nim / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Crap-yo-pants Rawmin / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

CLICK HERE to download!
Email Xavier or Tom or both!
Add Xavier on PSN and XBL: xavierrn
Add Tom on XBL and PSN: colourfast

Monday, 20 May 2013

77 - Constant Sadsackery

This week, we discuss Jay-Z, lateness*, breast-testing, police corruption, our tales of crime, methods to prevent a mugging, Mad Men, Taylor Swift's upcoming Australian tour, medals, our sporting achievements and failures, bullying, Deadly Premonition, and games that make us feel like children.
In SSFST: we talk about our pals Fun Machine, famous tennis players, twins, Gran Turismo 6, online plans for The Last of Us, Fassassin's Creed, and Nintendo, who have demonstrated yet again how out of touch they are.
In Ask SSJ: I forget to read some excellent mail sent in by David Juan, and instead we talk about George Takei, Howard Stern, my Twitter handle, missed celebrations, my grandmother's birthday, my marriage with Tom's sister, belt politics, Meg Juan, the state of my facial hair, standup, miracles, communicating with our future selves, the cusp of Generation Y, the pros and cons of dating Taylor Swift, Tom's masturbatory preferences, the realities of early death and pregnancy, SSJ: The Next Generation, patriarchy, reliving past lives, our trip to PAX, and the possibility of merch. Ooh. Merch sounds like a dirty word.

SSJ Theme 2: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
Cougar: Fun Machine

CLICK HERE to download!
Email Xavier or Tom or both!
Check out the Mad Men Happy Hour Podcast!
Add Sandsky on XBL and PSN: colourfast
Add Xavier on PSN and XBL: xavierrn

*A glaring error on my part - it was David "Gustavo Almadovar" Juan who wrote in, not #GargoyleJuan.

Hm. Kinda makes it look like he died.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

76 - Dalmartians

This week, we discuss farts, incorrigibility, Game of Thrones, Google history, Boticelli, ghosts, the official SSJ App, the history of the condom, Tom's voice, meditation, podcast suicide, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Mortal Kombat, GTA: Vice City, and a whirlwind tour of your favourite sitcoms from the 80s, 90s and now. Also, we discuss whether ghosts are real, and play a game of 'Where Is It?', which is kind of like a game but not fun.
In SSST: Sim City 4 is announced, EA and FIFA to keep working together for a decade, the Ouya is delayed, a new Wolfenstein game is on the way, and something about fighting games. Also, sandwiches, Vampire Weekend, my recent adventures in being-flirted-with (side-note: yes, it's that rare that I have to bring it up on the show) (side-side-note: our most censored segment!), the total number of dogs in the world (a lot of pooches!), muscle spasms, 'ballers', and my lover Alexei.
In Ask SSJ: metal/Motown (met-own? mo-tal?), pancakes, smells in space, dalmatians, ghosts (again), birthdays, Freud, Glucos: God of Sweetening, the Blue Man Group, the Great Gatsby, Mad Men, Tom's ambitious plan to invest in a weapon, and we tapdance ourselves out.
Thanks to Daniel Juan and huge birthday love to Aaron Juan for writing in!

SSJ Theme 2: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
Backtrackin': Vhiiula / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

CLICK HERE to download!
Email Tom or Xavier or both!
Add Sandsky on XBL and PSN: colourfast
Add Xavier on PSN and XBL: xavierrn

Monday, 6 May 2013

75 - I'll Cut You Out In Post

This week, we're celebrating the Fifth-o de Mayo! We discuss Star Wars Day, mayonnaise, weird foods, Sea Monkeys, PlayStation Plus, Thomas Was Alone, The Walking Dead, racism, video game reviews, recent standup shows, loss, and nuclear war.
In SSST: Microsoft's Xbox announcement is just around the corner, and the just-announced Call of Duty: Ghosts will be revealed there too, Sony announce the date for their big E3 press conference, while publishers like 2K Games, Valve and Nintendo won't be exhibiting, Kevin Conroy won't be voicing the Bat in Batman: Arkham Oranges, Nintendo beg you to upgrade to the totally-not-just-an-upgrade Wii U, the Gears of War movie adaptation gets a director (also, I flip out at Tom for watching TMZ), and GTA V is still a game which is going to be coming out.
In Ask SSJ: we talk about Men In Black 4, hate mail, my Tweets, Save Ferris, whether I'm qt, E3 2013, shoe sizes, Kickstarter, fighting games, the politics of table-sitting, our rare and weird games, and dry mouth noises.
Thanks to Ella, Zhana, Michael and David for your great questions!

SSJ Theme 2: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
Cable Swingin' Ferret: Goto80 and the Uwe Schenk Band / CC BY 3.0
Rage Flows: Born Ruffians
My Skateboard Will Go On: Anamanaguchi / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

CLICK HERE to download!
Email Tom or Xavier or both!
Add Sandsky on XBL and PSN: colourfast
Add Xavier on PSN and XBL: xavierrn

i consider myself quite a gifted photographer