Monday, 20 May 2013

77 - Constant Sadsackery

This week, we discuss Jay-Z, lateness*, breast-testing, police corruption, our tales of crime, methods to prevent a mugging, Mad Men, Taylor Swift's upcoming Australian tour, medals, our sporting achievements and failures, bullying, Deadly Premonition, and games that make us feel like children.
In SSFST: we talk about our pals Fun Machine, famous tennis players, twins, Gran Turismo 6, online plans for The Last of Us, Fassassin's Creed, and Nintendo, who have demonstrated yet again how out of touch they are.
In Ask SSJ: I forget to read some excellent mail sent in by David Juan, and instead we talk about George Takei, Howard Stern, my Twitter handle, missed celebrations, my grandmother's birthday, my marriage with Tom's sister, belt politics, Meg Juan, the state of my facial hair, standup, miracles, communicating with our future selves, the cusp of Generation Y, the pros and cons of dating Taylor Swift, Tom's masturbatory preferences, the realities of early death and pregnancy, SSJ: The Next Generation, patriarchy, reliving past lives, our trip to PAX, and the possibility of merch. Ooh. Merch sounds like a dirty word.

SSJ Theme 2: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
Cougar: Fun Machine

CLICK HERE to download!
Email Xavier or Tom or both!
Check out the Mad Men Happy Hour Podcast!
Add Sandsky on XBL and PSN: colourfast
Add Xavier on PSN and XBL: xavierrn

*A glaring error on my part - it was David "Gustavo Almadovar" Juan who wrote in, not #GargoyleJuan.

Hm. Kinda makes it look like he died.

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