Wednesday, 24 February 2016

195 - Making A Magician (feat. Juliet Timmerman!)

This week, we're joined by extremely cool dude Juliet Timmerman, and we discuss America's upcoming Puppelection, the mysterious circumstances surrounding Tom's death, and magic weight-loss secrets. Also, we play a couple of great rounds of That Sounds Good, What's That About? in which we neglect to develop the 'Australian Hamilton' idea that came up earlier in the show but instead work up a double bill that includes 'Fuck Your Way Out Of This One, Houdini'.

SSJ Theme 3000: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
I Can't Tell: Big White
TSGWTA Theme: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
We're stoked to be sharing Dinosaur City, the lead single from Sydney band Big White's new record Teenage Dreams! If you like what you hear, you can grab the album on cassette from Burger Records here, or on iTunes (US only). The album will be released internationally on the 18th of March, and you can preorder it on iTunes or at your local music store!

CLICK HERE to download!
Follow Juliet on Twitter @jraetimms!

Monday, 15 February 2016

194 - Bros In Different Area Codes

This week, Tom's on assignment in Adelaide, SA, but the show must go on! Tom sends remote clips back to Xavier at SSJ HQ, who takes the opportunity to have some alone time (basically just shitting on Tom as usual). This is a bit of a weird one!

SSJ Theme 3000: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan

CLICK HERE to download!

Monday, 8 February 2016

193 - Hitlery Clinton (feat. Andrew Hastings & Runi Talwar!)

This week, we're joined once again by the very funny Andrew Hastings, as well as SSJ newcomer (but Sydney comedy mainstay) Runi Talwar! We pick out some primo catch-phrases, dish on bears, and address some of the criticism we've faced for the representation of different groups on our program. Plus... we premiere a new segment called Meme Minute... and we also play a round of our classic game That Sounds Good, What's That About?

Another beek beep beer please: Rolemusic (CC BY 3.0)
SSJ Theme 3000: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
TSGWTA Theme: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
This week's feature track comes to you from an exciting new Sydney band called Morning TV. The four-piece are currently recording their much-anticipated debut release, and if you want to keep up-to-date, you can find their Facebook page here. For a high quality, name-your-price download of this week's feature track, the totally gorgeous Morning, head to their Bandcamp page!

CLICK HERE to download!

Click here to grab tickets out Andrew's Adelaide Fringe show, with previous SSJ guests Dan Muggleton & Sam Kissajukian, and follow Andrew on Twitter @AndrewHastings

Monday, 1 February 2016

192 - Swingers II: I Hardly Know Her (feat. Nikko Malyon & Reece Piper!)

This week, we're joined once again by the very funny Nikko Malyon and Reece Piper! We premiere  Tom's Rap Sheet (Song of the Summer 2016), and discuss Upton Girl, award-winning canine stunt-doubles, and Adam Sandler's role in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Plus, we premiere some exciting new segments of the show, including Cricket Minute, Voldemort Minute, and The One-Minute Minute! Plus we see how low we can go, and play another round of That Sounds Good, What's That About?

SSJ Theme 3000: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
Never Try: PUP
TSGWTA Theme: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan

I will determinedly play music by the effortlessly cool Toronto four-piece PUP at any and every opportunity I am given, until the moment life is snatched away from me. Today we are thrilled to share their new single, DVP, which will be featured on their upcoming second album. Check out PUP's self-titled debut on Bandcamp or from a cool record shop near you, and resign yourself to the same eternally blissful fate as me!

CLICK HERE to download!
Check out Green Lights Comedy and Comedy at Papa Gede's on Facebook for upcoming shows!