Monday, 19 October 2015

181 - The Laughing Cow (feat. Simon Bosco!)

This week, we're thrilled to welcome the very funny Simon Bosco to the show! We talk about difficult names, practical effects, and selling it with your eyebrows. Plus, we play an exciting round of That Sounds Good, What's That About? (and we recast The Merchant of Venice with cuts of meat...)

SSJ Theme 3000: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
Evaporate: Chris Farren
TSGWTA Theme: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
Where U Are is the new single by punk rock celebrity Chris Farren, who you may recognise from his work with Fake Problems and Antarctigo Vespucci (who we featured in Episode 170!) This time around, it's a solo joint, but the great songwriting and energy are still there! To get your copy, head to Chris' Bandcamp page.

CLICK HERE to download!
Email Tom or Xavier or both!
Check out Siben & Benimon Present the Boskochcast here or on iTunes!
Follow Simon on Twitter @SimonBosco1!

Monday, 12 October 2015

180 - The Revolution Will Not Be Tinderised (feat. James Colley!)

This week, we're joined once again by our old friend James Colley, and we dig deep to learn about the man behind the laughter. Plus, we discuss gift-wrapping, Kelsey Grammer, and tagging the moon, before jumping into another round of That Sounds Good, What's That About? (in which we forget all about #Proud Daddy and also forget about "wheezing the ju-uice", sorry).

SSJ Theme 3000: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
Evie: Cub Sport
TSGWTA Theme: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
This week we're privileged to be playing Brisbane-based band Cub Sport's brand-new single Only Friend, the first cut from their forthcoming LP This Is Our Vice, which is available for preorder on a variety of formats here. A preorder of the album will get you a high quality download of Only Friend plus two bonus tracks! That's just good bloody business!

CLICK HERE to download!
Email Tom or Xavier or both!
Check out Gruen, Wednesdays at 8:30pm on ABC as well as Ghost Stories, this Tuesday 13/31 at Giant Dwarf!

Monday, 5 October 2015

179 - The Huge Mer-Bitch (feat. Fran Middleton!)

This week, we welcome the hilarious Fran Middleton to the show, and we discuss swimming around the world, favourite pies, and the universal language of juggling. Plus, we premiere a few new segments including Stinkers & Blinkers and The Blame Game, before launching into another instalment of That Sounds Good, What's That About?
[DISCLAIMER: XRN's microphone drops out at the 29 minute mark for about 6 minutes. Apologies - but please bear with it to hear Fran sing Sisqo's 'Thong Song'!]

SSJ Theme 3000: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
& On & On & On: Born Ruffians
TSGWTA Theme: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
We've played music from Toronto's Born Ruffians on the show countless times since we started, and it's always a joy to share one of our absolute favourite bands on our little podcast. This week, the band released their fourth LP, RUFF, which is nothing but a good time and absolutely worth tracking down. We're featuring the new single Don't Live Up, which is the first track on the album. Grab a copy and check out the back catalogue on the band's website!

CLICK HERE to download!
Email Tom or Xavier or both!