Monday, 30 September 2013

96 - Poop Truck

This week: Sandsky is hung over, Xavier is... well, Xavier... and surprise surprise, it's a real weird one! We talk about 127 Hours, Big Brother, party animal Tom Sanderson (and party animal XRN), ghost protocol, hosses, radiation, a one-way ticket to Mars, our post-death heritage, Rolf Harris, space-classical music, Kitty Pryde, cough-monsters, Grand Theft Automobile V.
In SSST: Steam announces the new Steam OS, the upcoming Steam Machines, and the real pretty-lookin' Steam Controller. Whoa! In other news - GTA V is being shown off at the New York Film Festival, and also, Toon Link. Also, TV shows and what they're about, or something.
In Ask SSJ: Will Smith? Where is it? Why? Also, we talk about TV, cake farts, insecurities, Twinkies, confusing old people, bad music, art and film, the difference between Tom and T.J. Miller, good things about us, the Nutcracker, and our video jame collections.

SSJ Theme 2: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
Sting Operation: Anamanaguchi / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
Frens: Ten Thousand Free Men And Their Families

CLICK HERE to download!
Email Tom or Xavier or both!

tom and i forgot to take a photo for the show this week
and also i was having computer problems and couldn't get
this image of david gustavson gustavson's poop truck to
open on my phone so i decided to take a photo of it and use
that. also i don't think 'poop truck' was originally going to
be the title but now that it's the image, it wouldn't make
a lot of sense to just have a picture of a miscellaneous truck
without some kind of explanation. anyway, sorry if i'm
gushing a little bit here. i guess it's been kind of a weird
week for me and i feel like sometimes you just need to let
your feelings out so they don't just weigh you down.
anyway. better keep this brief. hope you have a great week
and enjoy the episode. i think it's a weird one but maybe
that's good. we can leave normal entertainment to traditional
TV and radio and whatnot. dare to be stupid etc.
signing off,

Monday, 23 September 2013

95 - A True Shitizen

This week: Jon Lovitz, Max Quinn, space-bar, smartphones, protest signs, weather, Beethoven, Air Bud, my 21st birthday party, The Little Mermaid, SpongeBob porn, and a whole lotta Grand Theft Automobile Five. Oh, and some really uncomfortable accidental racism.
In SSST: Beloved Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi passes away, and the Xbox One won't stand on its side. Then we talk about blimps, oversized body parts, GTA V, iOS 7, and Jizzle.
In Ask SSJ: anticipation, the Two Moon theory, slime-themed enemies, the Nutcracker, freedom of information, Tom's stance on zombie-killing, VGBC, GTA V, leaving parties early, McDonalds, the secret ballot, fines, and parasol murderer Ree Mansell.

SSJ Theme 2: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
Prism Stars: Derris-Kharlan / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Hey Jimmy: Alexander Cross

CLICK HERE to download!
Huge thanks to our studio audience Morgan Freemansell!
Email Tom or Xavier or both!

real edible goodness! provided by Tom Raider!
holy! fricking! gosh!

Monday, 16 September 2013

94 - Case Solved

This week: weather, technology, time travel, pretty girls, Weezer, stress, guns, relaxation, Tony Abbott, the Warragamba Dam, butterflies, Luigi, the circus, preferential voting, Grand Theft Automobile V (and IV), Beyond: Two Souls, Friends, Saints Row: The Third, grandparents, and lightsabers.
In SSST: Sony reveals a new Vita model, a new (late) PS4 release date for Japan, and a new magic box called the PS Vita TV at a pre-TGS press conference. Valve reveals Steam Family Sharing, Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning IP is auctioned off, and PEACH JOINS THE FRAY.
In Ask SSJ: Tinder, sexy robots, weird porn, Rocko's Modern Life... I can't even remember. #lazyshownotes

SSJ Theme 2: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
Video Connector (Outro): 2NRO8OT / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
OHC3Kris Keyser / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Young Lovers: Alexander Cross
Want your song featured? Email us at!

CLICK HERE to download!
Email Tom or Xavier or both!

Monday, 9 September 2013

93 - Unhappucino

This week: spaceboats, taking drugs in space, Aaron Carter, the single life, opera, Irish people, the half-frog-half-prince, #ausvotes, cats getting stuck in trees, Johnny cArson, noses, and public nudity.
In SSST: The Xbone has a release date: November 22! And the Day One edition comes with a copy of FIFA 14. Also we chat about XCOM: Enemy Unknown and Rayman Oranges. Also Pokémon!
In Ask SSJ: CRJ (:S), bottled water, Legend of Zelda; Link's Awakening, Miley Cyrus, arcade gaming, DGG goes Down Under, Maury, Klondike Bars, and a few bizarre hypotheticals involving incest and Emma Stone.

SSJ Theme 2: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
New music for fields: ignatzthemouse / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
Why Oh Why Oh Why (Oh Oh Oh Oh): Bomb The Music Industry!

CLICK HERE to download!
Email Tom or Xavier or both.

Friday, 6 September 2013

VGBC - The Last Of Us

On this inaugural Something Something Joystick Video Game Book Club, we talk about Naughty Dog's terrific The Last Of Us. Note that this is a spoiler-heavy discussion episode, so those wanting to experience the game's excellent pacing, characters, atmosphere and story for themselves are advised to save this episode for later. Huge thanks to Patch and David for participating - the VGBC as a format relies on an open conversation, so we're so grateful for their input.
As always you can weigh in on this episode, suggest a game for next time, or just spew crazy nonsense questions at us at!

SSJVCBC DGG Megamix 5000: David GusTAVson GUStavson
A Shine To It: Laura Stevenson

CLICK HERE to download!

Monday, 2 September 2013

92 - Crusty Old Pope

This week: birthdays, kangaroos, free will, global warming, the Backstreet Boys, the prosperity of the human race, slap bracelets, Rayman Legends, Ace Patrol, The Chris Gethard Show, Fathers' Day, September Fools' Day, IKEA breakfast, Clive Palmer, the SSJ Video Game Book Club, TLC, a mysterious bump on the head, podcast scheduling, Oliver!, secret birthday plans, #ausvotes, and a new nation. [By the way - apologies to our overseas listeners for the undercurrent of Genuine Political Concern this episode.]
In SSST: Nintendo reveal a new handheld - the 2DS, as well as a price cut for the Wii U (which won't be coming to Australia), the PS4 and the XBone will both allow remote game downloads, Xbox finally gets rid of Microsoft Points, and Sony sets up a new division focused on third-party games.
In Ask SSJ: listening, jealousy, crimes, Let's Plays, theme music, animals vs. anime, uncomfortable text messaging, drunkenness, Avatar: The Last Airbender, a new podcast marriage, dick size, virgin cocktails, love, brick shithouses, a mysterious box, the rapidly approaching prospect of the technological singularity, resident poo expert David GusTAVson GUStavson, the complicated business of acronyms, and some philosophy.

SSJ Theme 2: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan
Reformat The Planet: Bit Shifter / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Mortimer's Melody: Sycamore Drive / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

CLICK HERE to download!
Email Tom or Xavier or both!